Without taboos: Uniting for the inclusion of the sexual experiences and needs of adults with motor disabilities in sexology and rehabilitation

The FQPN and Ex aequo are campaigning for the deconstruction of negative social perceptions that affect the social participation of adults with motor disabilities (AIM) in relation to their sexuality, and for the development of specialized interventions in sexology and rehabilitation.

However, these organizations note a lack of empirical data in Quebec to support their claims.

Using a qualitative approach based on the photovoix method, this study will mobilize 20 to 24 AIMs to document their sexual experiences using photographs, to identify the meanings associated with these experiences, and to identify the resulting intervention needs.

The results will be disseminated via a digital exhibition to the general public, sexology and rehabilitation professionals and researchers.

In this way, the study will promote a more accurate, taboo-less representation of sexuality by and for AIMs, and contribute to the recognition of their right to obtain the necessary support for their sexual needs.

Global progress
Ethical deposit
Recruitment and introductory session
Data collection (photographs)
Participatory and scientific analysis
Planning dissemination of results
Dissemination activities
Team members

Isabelle Wallach, CREGÉS, RQRV Université du Québec à Montréal

Claudine Auger, CRIR, REPAR, RQRV, INTER Université de Montréal

Gwendoline Lüthi, ACSEXE+ Policy Coordinator, Fédération québécoise pour le planning des naissances (FQPN)

Claudia Bojanowski, Collaborator, Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire en réadaptation de Montréal

Patrick Desjardins, Research professional, doctoral student in film studies, Université de Montréal

Cassioppée Guay, Occupational therapist, doctoral student, Department of Sexology, Université du Québec à Montréal, CRIR and REPAR

Benjamin Leclair, Photographic trainer, multimedia professional with motor disabilities

Janou Radilla, Additional partner, Ex aequo (parenting file)

Patrick Desjardins, Personnes Détentrices de Savoirs Expérientiels

Christian Lapierre, People with Experiential Knowledge

Éric Lapointe, Experiential Knowledge Holder

LT Montplaisir , Experiential Knowledge holders

Scientific sectors
Innovation stages
  • Émergence
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