
visuel annonçant : équipes lauréates appel à projet 2024

Winners of the Participatory, Intersectoral and Disability Research program – Winter 2024

Seven winners of the “Société Inclusive 9e édition – hiver 2024” competition. This competition offers teams a funding opportunity of up to $35,000 for cross-sectoral, collaborative research projects aimed at producing concrete changes in the lives of people with disabilities. Among the outstanding projects supported by this program, here are the Winter 2024 winners: Autisme […]

22 May 2024
neuro inclusion en milieu de travail visuel de communication

Neuroinclusion in the workplace: Research-community partnerships

1 pm à 2:30 pm on zoom

[Event in French] – video available in the FR version on the website Presentation of 4 partnership research projects carried out in Quebec On March 19, 2024, Société inclusve in collaboration with the Réseau pour transformer les soins en autisme (RTSA), organized a webinar presenting research projects carried out in Quebec, often in partnership with […]

Musées et accessibilité au Québec : ensemble vers un futur inclusif

Practical info Date: May 31st  2024 Duration: 10 to 12 am Event : In french Registration: link Context Imagine a Quebec where museums are welcoming places for people of all abilities. Join us on December 7, 2022 for a discussion on the future of accessibility in our museums. This invitation is open to researchers, museum […]

7 November 2023
Capture du document Synthèse du maillage Sport, activité physique et jeux inclusifs

Synthesis of the event around sport, physical activity and inclusive games

[In French] The summary of the networking between partners, researchers and users is now available here (in PDF). Whether you prefer reading or video, we’ve prepared both formats so you can access the information in the way that suits you best. Bonus in the PDF summary: you’ll find many inspiring initiatives in inclusive sports and […]

5 February 2024
Cqpture d'écrqn de lq video

Une nouvelle série vidéo

Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. Ces courtes capsules vidéos vous invitent à plonger dans dix projets de recherche participative. Elles sont maintenant accessibles en ligne ICI!  Des thèmes variés : parentalité, emploi, autonomie, développement émotionnel, mobilité urbaine, et bien plus encore. Des expériences variés : déficience visuelle, surdité, autisme, polyhandicap, traumatisme crânien, déficience […]

5 February 2024