Améliorer la connaissance de l’expérience utilisateur d’électroménagers pour des personnes vivant avec une déficience visuelle

Sorry, this entry is only available in Français.Origine du projet Le Regroupement des aveugles et amblyopes du Montréal métropolitain (RAAMM) a pour objectif de soutenir et d’améliorer les conditions de vie des personnes aveugles et malvoyantes afin d’atteindre leur pleine et entière participation sociale. Or, les personnes malvoyantes ou aveugles sont particulièrement exposées aux incidents […]

Understand and make others understand: Operationalizing an immersive design fiction tool to promote social participation by deaf people

This project was born out of a need expressed by the Association du Québec pour enfants avec problèmes auditifs (AQEPA) for a technological solution that would more effectively raise awareness of the sensory reality of young people with hearing loss, both for their families and for the professionals who work with them. The aim of […]

Participatory Research and Disability: France-Quebec Dialogue

As part of the 35th Entretiens Jacques Cartier, Société Inclusive, in collaboration with its partner Fedrha (Fédération pour la recherche sur le handicap et l’autonomie), organized a symposium on the theme of “Participatory research and disability: France-Quebec dialogue”, which took place on October 11, 2023 at Université Lumière Lyon II (France). Quebec represented! 7 researchers […]

Recommendations for an inclusive digital budgeting assistance solution for individuals with traumatic brain injury.

People with traumatic brain injury (TBI) experience difficulties in managing and maintaining a budget. Technology can assist and support the impaired cognitive functions of CBT and help improve social participation. The literature demonstrates a critical lack of technology adapted to individuals with CBT. Objective: To develop recommendations for an inclusive digital budgeting solution (IDBS) in […]

Federal Grants Program – Accessibility Standards Canada Summer 2022

[:fr]Ce programme finance des projets de recherche visant à repérer, éliminer et prévenir les obstacles à l'accessibilité. Les projets doivent éclairer l'élaboration de la prochaine génération de normes modèles relevant de la compétence fédérale. Cet atelier en ligne se veut une occasion d’en savoir plus sur ce programme qui finance des projets de recherche en partenariat.[:en]This program funds research projects aimed at identifying and removing barriers to accessibility and preventing new barriers.[:]

Activity – Back to school meeting

[:fr]Pour commencer l’année 2022,  les 6 nouveaux projets soutenus par Société Inclusive ont été présentés lors d’une rencontre de rentrée.[:en]To start the year 2022, the 6 new projects supported by Société Inclusive have been presented during a back to school meeting.[:]

Artificial intelligence for people with Parkinson’s disease

Research Title: Thinking and acting together to adapt an in-ear technology to the needs of people with Parkinson’s disease Abstract Up to 90% of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) develop communication and swallowing disorders complicating their social participation, only 13-38% receive services. Wearable technologies incorporating artificial intelligence hold promise for preventing symptoms and facilitating lifestyle […]

Para-athlete Technology Needs

Research title : Development and validation of a portable feedback system adapted to the specific needs of para-athletes: from needs assessment to technology transfer Abstract Technologies are increasingly used to optimize the development of able-bodied athletes. Unfortunately, para-athletes have little involvement in these innovations, limiting their accessibility. The objective is to develop/validate an evaluation system adapted […]

Projet ceinture intelligente – Smartbelt

Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. Présentation vidéo en 5 minutes Titre du projet de recherche : Efficacité de la ceinture multi microphones, SmartBelt, pour soutenir les déplacements des personnes vivant avec des incapacités sensorielles L’estimation juste de la provenance des sources sonores permet aux individus d’interagir efficacement avec leur environnement. Malheureusement, cette habileté […]

Co-design of an Assistive Internet Navigation Device for People with Visual Impairments

The Internet is not inclusive for people with visual impairments. Indeed, assistive devices do not allow people with visual impairments to easily locate themselves on a web page, nor to interact quickly. However, the Internet has become an essential tool (especially during these pandemic times), for communicating, working, accessing leisure and social activities. Thus, this […]