The Mutual Aid Brigade: a vehicle for a stable, safe and healthy home.

The general aim of this action-research project is to deepen our knowledge of residential instability prevention services provided by individuals with experiential knowledge of the homes of people at risk of eviction from their dwellings due to insalubrity. More specifically, the project aims to:

  1. Understand the mechanisms by which the Mutual Aid Brigade produces effects;
  2. Identify, with the partner organization, the facilitators and obstacles to services aimed at preventing residential instability, as well as their impact;
  3. Develop tools for disseminating and appropriating the documented practices to a variety of potential users.

The expected spin-offs are as follows: The Mutual Aid Brigade is able to identify what works and what needs to be improved. The specificity of the experiential knowledge of the Brigade d’entraide’s ad hoc workers is circumscribed. A synthesis of knowledge from the research project is disseminated in the form of tools.

Global progress
Obtaining a certificate of ethics
Definition of program theory
Analysis of action taken
Refinement of program theory
Design and development of transfer tools
Team members

Paul Morin researcher Institut universitaire de première ligne de santé et de services sociaux du CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS

Marie-Claude Jacques researcher Institut universitaire de première ligne de santé et de services sociaux du CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS

Danielle Pearson, Coordinator, La Brigade d’entraide

Marie-Hélène Deshaies Laval University School of Social Work and Criminology

Danielle Pearson Coordinator, Brigade d’entraide

Steve Aké Pair researcher

Guillaume Couture Pair researcher

Mario Bousquet Director Clés en main

Odré Couture Coordinator L’Archipel d’entraide

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