Action-research for the implementation of a hearing aid valorization program offered in the community and aimed at seniors with a hearing loss

This action-research project consists of accompanying the Association des personnes avec une déficience de l’audition (APDA) in the revision of its hearing aid enhancement program (PA), which is aimed at seniors with a hearing impairment (DA) living in precarious situations, and in the pilot implementation of an improved version of this program.

This 18-month project will be divided into three phases.

  • Phase 1 will be used to complete the situational analysis and collect new data from hearing health professionals,
  • Phase 2 to analyze the results and develop the enhanced program, and
  • Phase 3 to pilot implement and evaluate the enhanced program with users and professionals. This project will improve access to APs for elderly people with AD in precarious situations.

This will have a major impact on the inclusion and social participation of these people.

Global progress
Phase 1: DOA program mapping and consultation with professionals
Phase 2: Enhanced program development and implementation planning
Phase 3: Pilot implementation and pre-testing of the enhanced program
Knowledge mobilization
Team members

Mathieu Hotton, Ph. D. Université Laval et Cirris Secteur santé
Normand Boucher, Ph. D. CIUSSS Capitale-Nationale Université Laval et Cirris Secteur société et culture
Association des personnes avec une déficience de l’audition (APDA)
Représentant : Pierre-Marc Doucet, président
Co-chercheurs : Philippe Fournier, Ph. D. Christine Turgeon, Ph. D. Claude Vincent, Ph. D. Université Laval et Cirris

Scientific sectors
Innovation stages
  • Appropriation
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