Para-athlete Technology Needs
Research title : Development and validation of a portable feedback system adapted to the specific needs of para-athletes: from needs assessment to technology transfer
Technologies are increasingly used to optimize the development of able-bodied athletes. Unfortunately, para-athletes have little involvement in these innovations, limiting their accessibility. The objective is to develop/validate an evaluation system adapted to the needs of para-athletes through portable technologies that can be easily used in the field. Specifically, the project aims to evaluate the technological needs of para-athletes and their coaches. Then, the metrological qualities of performance indicators related to training that are considered priorities by these stakeholders will be evaluated. A feedback system responding to the needs and integrating the best performance indicators will then be developed and made available to the partner. This project will contribute to optimizing the development of recreational and competitive para-athletes in accordance with the partner’s need and mission. In addition, the accelerated transfer of results to the partner will facilitate the establishment of a sustainable partnership, including the continuous improvement of the system.
Assess the needs of FRA athletes and their coaches in terms of quantified performance analysis.
To develop indicators based on portable technology that is easy to use in the field and to evaluate their metrological qualities.
Ethical approval and needs assessment
Identification of performance indicators
Evaluation of the metrological qualities of the indicators
Data collection and analysis
Knowledge transfer activities
Writing of an article, public conference
Update: December 1, 2021
Global progress
Ethical approval and needs assessment
Identification of performance indicators
Evaluation of the metrological qualities of the indicators
Data collection and analysis
Knowledge transfer activities
Writing of an article, public conference
Team members
Katia Turcot, co-chercheure principale, Université Laval /
Jason Bouffard, co-chercheur principal, Université Laval /
Félix Chénier, co-chercheur, Université du Québec à Montréal /
Raphaël Ouellet, étudiant, Université Laval /
Alexis Boulenger, partenaire principal, Parasports Québec /
Nathalie Séguin, partenaire, entraîneuse para-athlétisme, Université Laval /
Léandre Gagné-Lemieux, partenaire principal, SciencePerfo
Intersectoral collaboration agent
Scientific sectors
Innovation stages
- Expérimentation, Appropriation
All projects
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- Para-athlete Technology Needs
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