Participation sociale et villes inclusives (PSVI) and Inclusive Society invite you to an activity entitled:
L’inclusion sociale en habitation : défis et solutions pour la création de logements abordables et accessibles
The activity took place on January 27, 2021 on Zoom.
A written report of the activity (in English) is now available in Word format.
Slideshow of Étienne Pinel’s presentation (in French)
Slideshow of Olivier Dupuis’ presentation (in French)
Slideshow of Mathieu Lamarche’s presentation (in French)
Slideshow of Benoit Labbé’s presentation (in French)
Although housing is recognized as a human right in Canada, people with disabilities still face many barriers to adequate housing. The creation of affordable and accessible housing therefore poses several challenges.
In this workshop, stakeholders from a variety of backgrounds (national organization, research, disability rights organization and real estate developers) will discuss the challenges faced in creating inclusive housing and the solutions that can be implemented.
This workshop will also provide a forum for exchange between participants and stakeholders.
With the participation of:
- Étienne Pinel, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)
- Ernesto Morales, Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration (CIRRIS), Université Laval
- Olivier Dupuis, Ex aequo
- Mathieu Lamarche, Groupe GDI
- Benoit Labbé, Groupe O’Drey
The program and summaries of the presentations are available in Word format (in French).
This activity is organized by: Participation sociale et villes inclusives (PSVI) and Inclusive Society
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact a member of the Inclusive Society team by email: