Research in the field of health, including basic, clinical and epidemiological research, research in the field of public health and research in the field of health services.
Despite their significant numbers (prevalence of 2-10%), people of audiodiversity (i.e., with a communication disability [HdlC]) have little or no representation in media content (cultural, television, etc.). When they are, their disability is likely to be subject to discriminatory attitudes and prejudices, which contribute to their stigmatization and self-stigmatization. The media is an important source […]
Since mental health issues are common following a stroke, ARTÈRE is looking to integrate activities that would support the psychological well-being of its members. This project aims to co-develop workshops to promote psychological well-being that can then be offered in a cost-effective and sustainable manner. Four specific objectives will be pursued: (1) Identify the main […]
This action-research project consists of accompanying the Association des personnes avec une déficience de l’audition (APDA) in the revision of its hearing aid enhancement program (PA), which is aimed at seniors with a hearing impairment (DA) living in precarious situations, and in the pilot implementation of an improved version of this program. This 18-month project […]
Having served the Montreal area for a long time, it was only with the pandemic of COVID-19 and the forced telecommuting that the Montreal House of Deaf Women (MHW) noticed that Deaf and hard of-hearing women from all over Quebec began to solicit their services from a distance. It is in this perspective that the […]
People with traumatic brain injury (TBI) experience difficulties in managing and maintaining a budget. Technology can assist and support the impaired cognitive functions of CBT and help improve social participation. The literature demonstrates a critical lack of technology adapted to individuals with CBT. Objective: To develop recommendations for an inclusive digital budgeting solution (IDBS) in […]
[:fr]Ce programme finance des projets de recherche visant à repérer, éliminer et prévenir les obstacles à l'accessibilité. Les projets doivent éclairer l'élaboration de la prochaine génération de normes modèles relevant de la compétence fédérale. Cet atelier en ligne se veut une occasion d’en savoir plus sur ce programme qui finance des projets de recherche en partenariat.[:en]This program funds research projects aimed at identifying and removing barriers to accessibility and preventing new barriers.[:]
[:fr]Pour commencer l’année 2022, les 6 nouveaux projets soutenus par Société Inclusive ont été présentés lors d’une rencontre de rentrée.[:en]To start the year 2022, the 6 new projects supported by Société Inclusive have been presented during a back to school meeting.[:]
Abstract The present project is structured around a rigorous review of the literature in order to identify qualitative and quantitative indicators associated with the development of a classification of hiking trails. The classification will be based on the level of difficulty, in relation to the needs, strengths and characteristics of hikers or users with disabilities […]
Research Title: The Learning Unit: A New Avenue for Developing the Competencies of People with Disabilities in an Inclusive Work Environment Abstract The usual work platform approach rarely goes beyond social integration in the regular workplace for adults with intellectual disabilities. The innovative approach linked to learning units is indicated to remedy these obstacles, by […]
Research Title: Thinking and acting together to adapt an in-ear technology to the needs of people with Parkinson’s disease Abstract Up to 90% of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) develop communication and swallowing disorders complicating their social participation, only 13-38% receive services. Wearable technologies incorporating artificial intelligence hold promise for preventing symptoms and facilitating lifestyle […]