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Participatory Research and Disability: France-Quebec Dialogue

As part of the 35th Entretiens Jacques Cartier, Société Inclusive, in collaboration with its partner Fedrha (Fédération pour la recherche sur le handicap et l’autonomie), organized a symposium on the theme of “Participatory research and disability: France-Quebec dialogue”, which took place on October 11, 2023 at Université Lumière Lyon II (France).

Quebec represented!

  • 7 researchers
  • 8 Quebec students represented
  • 5 partners

The program

Opening remarks

The power of participatory research: ideas and solutions together by Mélanie Levasseur, Researcher, Professor, Université de Sherbrooke

Five French-language participatory research experiences (Quebec, France)

Making informed decisions: using research to promote the rights of parents of children living with deafness

Charles Gaucher, Researcher, Université de Moncton
Claire Lesur, Communications and Projects Manager, Association du Québec pour Enfants avec Problèmes Auditifs (AQEPA)

Inclusive practices in participatory research

Marie-Hélène Poulin, Professor, Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue
Marjorie Désormeaux-Moreau, Researcher at the Institut universitaire en déficience intellectuelle et autisme and President, Autisme Soutien

Finding and keeping a dance partner: challenges and concrete solutions for finding partners

Marie-Eve Lamontagne, Researcher, Université Laval
Benoit Durand, Executive Director, Association des TCC des deux rives

Polyordinaires: participatory research on multiple disabilities

Myriam Winance, Research Associate, INSERM
Cyril Desjeux, Scientific Director, Handéo
Béatrice Deries, Trainer-researcher, Rockefeller School

Promoting cycling and active mobility for all: solutions co-constructed in the field

Camille Pechoux, Occupational therapist, co-founder, Praxie Design


Round table Towards successful participatory research: levers, best practices and collective learning,

moderated by Anna Rita Galiano, Lecturer and researcher, Université Lyon 2
Mario Légaré, General Manager, Adaptavie
François Routhier, Professor, Université Laval
Gérard Uzan, Research Engineer, Université Paris 8
Sandra Bossard, President, Association Française des Professionnels pour l’Accessibilité aux Personnes Handicapées (AFPAPH)


Poster session
Let’s roll! Co-creating resources by and for young people to train manual wheelchair skills, by Béatrice Ouellet, Université Laval
“L’activité physique pour toutes et tous: Conception d’un laboratoire vivant au cœur de la ville de Québec by Joanie Bédard, Cirris, Université Laval
What educational perspectives for the knowledge produced by inclusive research? by Louis-Philippe Lachance Demers UQAM
L’intégration en emploi des jeunes autistes de haut niveau, by Marie-Claude Leblanc, Adm.A. McGill-HEC EMBA student
Fallout from a process of including patient partners with Parkinson’s disease in the co-development of a study protocol for a new technology, by Imane Hocine, Université de Montréal
Environmental barriers in heritage sites: the perception of people with visible and invisible disabilities. By Alicia Ruiz-Rodrigo School of Rehabilitation, Université Laval; Cirris.
Improving accessibility in cities: co-designing knowledge mobilization tools. By Maëlle Corcuff Cirris, Université Laval
Gigote: Improving the consultation experience for children with ASI type 1 through collaborative design and rehabilitation by Chloé Dutruc-Rosset Département Design Objet, ÉNSAD Paris-Université Paris Sciences & Lettres
Participatory design to improve understanding of and access to artistic and scientific content for visually impaired people, by Dannyelle Valente, Lola Chennaz Lola: Laboratoire de Développement Sensori-Moteur, Affectif et Social (SMAS), Faculté de psychologie et des sciences de l’éducation (FAPSE), University of Geneva, Switzerland.
Le dé des émotions Hind DRISSI Centre technique régional pour la Déficience visuelle CTRDV
Profiles of drivers who have suffered a stroke: a prospective study, by Clara Gasne TS2-LESCOT, Univ Gustave Eiffel, IFSTTAR, Univ Lyon, F-69675 Lyon, France.
Droits Humains, Handicap et vulnérabilités: une recherche participative sur l’institution de l’autonomie de vie comme droit humain. by Benoit Eyraud
Efforts at the man-seat interface during wheelchair propulsion. Tripartite collaboration: user, research laboratory and company. By Clémence Paquin Univ Eiffel, Univ Lyon 1, LBMC UMR_T 9406, F-69622 Lyon, France,
CRIAS, a player in prevention in the ageing and disability sectors. By Sofia ALVARADO Student, Master II Social Sciences: Health and Aging


Simultaneous meetings between researchers and society

Promoting participatory research in universities
Myriam Winance, Research Associate, INSERM
François Routhier, Professor, Université Laval

Culture and mediation

Dannyelle Valente, Senior Lecturer, Université Lyon 2
Ingrid Verduyckt, Professor, Université de Montréal


Caroline Pigeon, Research Associate, Université Gustave Eiffel
Nicolas Baltenneck, Senior Lecturer, Université Lyon 2
Mario Légaré, General Manager, Adaptavie

S’unir pour agir: ensemble vers une recherche plus participative by Mélanie Levasseur, Researcher, Professor, Université de Sherbrooke