Research Title: The Learning Unit: A New Avenue for Developing the Competencies of People with Disabilities in an Inclusive Work Environment Abstract The usual work platform approach rarely goes beyond social integration in the regular workplace for adults with intellectual disabilities. The innovative approach linked to learning units is indicated to remedy these obstacles, by […]
Research Title: Thinking and acting together to adapt an in-ear technology to the needs of people with Parkinson’s disease Abstract Up to 90% of people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) develop communication and swallowing disorders complicating their social participation, only 13-38% receive services. Wearable technologies incorporating artificial intelligence hold promise for preventing symptoms and facilitating lifestyle […]
Research title : Development and validation of a portable feedback system adapted to the specific needs of para-athletes: from needs assessment to technology transfer Abstract Technologies are increasingly used to optimize the development of able-bodied athletes. Unfortunately, para-athletes have little involvement in these innovations, limiting their accessibility. The objective is to develop/validate an evaluation system adapted […]
Research title: How to tame and live the transition to active and fulfilling aging for people with spina bifida, hydrocephalus and their caregivers: co-development of a toolbox Abstract People living with spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus (SBH) face issues of aging that can complicate the challenges of social participation. Yet, the needs associated with these transitions […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. Présentation vidéo en 5 minutes Titre du projet de recherche : Efficacité de la ceinture multi microphones, SmartBelt, pour soutenir les déplacements des personnes vivant avec des incapacités sensorielles L’estimation juste de la provenance des sources sonores permet aux individus d’interagir efficacement avec leur environnement. Malheureusement, cette habileté […]
The Internet is not inclusive for people with visual impairments. Indeed, assistive devices do not allow people with visual impairments to easily locate themselves on a web page, nor to interact quickly. However, the Internet has become an essential tool (especially during these pandemic times), for communicating, working, accessing leisure and social activities. Thus, this […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. L’accès aux services publics de transport pour les personnes ayant des incapacités physiques ou en perte d’autonomie constitue une problématique majeure, vécue au quotidien mais également identifiée dans les écrits scientifiques. Le Réseau de transport de la Capitale (RTC) souhaite connaitre les besoins de sa clientèle en […]
Sorry, this entry is only available in Français. La conduite automobile est une activité de la vie quotidienne centrale dans le mode de vie occidental, favorisant l’autonomie et la participation sociale. L’apprentissage de la conduite représente un défi particulièrement important pour les adolescents et jeunes adultes ayant des incapacités. L’École de conduite du Centre intégré […]
Dysfunctions in reading emotions of others, mobility and social participation are hallmarks of m/sTBI. This project addresses all three, responding to the AQTC’s need to further understand and raise awareness about nonverbal communication deficits of persons with m/sTBI and their impact on function, participation and inclusion. Specifically, an inability to recognise emotion during a collision […]
Project description Pediatric manual wheelchair users do not meet the Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines. Consequences are significant in terms of physical, emotional and cognitive health and impact not only childhood, but also adulthood. In Québec, approximately 32% of French-speaking schools do not meet the recommended minutes of physical education. It is likely that pediatric manual […]