
visuel du Webinaire 3 -  Recherche action-participative et coproduction des connaissances dans un contexte de lutte contre la pauvreté et l'exclusion sociale      Juin ( date à préciser) David Longtin          

Participatory action research and co-production of knowledge in the context of the fight against poverty and social exclusion

June 9th, 12:30 - 13:30 David Longtin

Webinar 3 June 9th, 12:30 – 13:30 David Longtin Registration Description This webinar will provide an overview of the different forms of action research and participatory research as well as some of the conditions for their implementation identified in the scientific literature. It will then address some of the issues raised by these approaches to […]

Program Presentation

7 septembre 2023, de 10h à 11h, sur inscription, en zoom

Dear network, This morning’s information meeting on the Inclusive Society call for projects was a great success, and we’d like to thank you for your participation. For those of you who were unable to attend the meeting live, we are pleased to present the video recording. You can view it by clicking on the link […]

Facilitation Graphique restitution des idees principales de la table ronde du colloque

Participatory research is an innovative approach to including the voices of marginalized groups in the research process.

Société Inclusive, in collaboration with the Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale (CREGÉS), the Institut universitaire en déficience intellectuelle et en trouble du spectre de l’autisme, and Exeko, organized a series of events during 2023 in Quebec to share the approaches developed in this field. Find out more about the tools used to […]

25 July 2023

Annual Forum 2023: Participatory research and disability

27 septembre 2023, de 9h à 12h, sur zoom

The annual Société Inclusive Exchange Forum is an opportunity for the Société Inclusive community to discover the progress of participatory research projects on disability. To register, click here. (event in french) Preliminary program 9:00 am: Login (5 min) 9h05: Introductory video (5 min) – Moving forward together – Introductory video by Senator Chantal Petitclerc 9h10: […]

visuel présentant le webinaire sur La recherche participative inclusive avec les personnes autistes, est-ce pour moi? mardi 18 avril de 12h30 à 13h30 présenté par Marie-Hélène Poulin

Is inclusive participatory research with autistic people for me?

18 avril 2023, zoom,

Speakers: Marie-Hélène Poulin, Ph.D. Associate professor in psychoeducation and regular researcher at the Institut universitaire en DI-TSA Département des sciences du développement humain et social Université du Québec en Abitibi-Témiscamingue, in collaboration with Marie Grandisson, Marjorie Désormeaux-Moreau, Gabriel Normandeau and Lucila Guerrero.

Affiche du colloque indiquant la nouvelle date : 5 juin 2023

Symposium “BY/FOR/WITH marginalized groups”

June 5th at Université Laval

This event, entitled “Participatory research BY / FOR / WITH marginalized groups”, aims to share recently developed approaches to conducting participatory research with marginalized groups in Quebec.

visuel pour évènement de maillage etre parent en situation de handicap au Québec -

Being a parent with a disability in Quebec – What services?

December 5, 2022, 9:00 am to 10:30 am

The networking meeting presented opportunities for collaboration and funding to bring together different sectors such as community organizations supporting families, specialized health and social services and parents with disabilities.

ensemble d'illustration illustratn la recheche d'idée : un cerveau avec une ampoule allumée, un profil avec des engrenages à la place du cerveau, etc.

Calls for proposals 2023

Présentation Inclusive Society Funding Opportunity 22-23   Good news, we have just obtained the support of the Azrieli Foundation for the call for projects “Partnership Research Program” of the Inclusive Society, so not six but eight projects can be supported. Thank you to our supporters the Azrieli Foundation and the Mirella and Lino Saputo Foundation. […]

24 October 2022
le fond de l'image est un rideau de théatre rouge, par dessus est inscrit le titre de l'évènement "la culture part tous – Autisme, neurodiversité, déficience intellectuelle, arts vivants (Musique, Théâtre) "

Inclusive Culture : Artistic practices

L’événement du 26 octobre 2022 visait à offrir un espace de rencontre et de discussion autour d’un sujet spécifique : les pratiques artistiques amateurs, outils d’émancipation.

Société Inclusive seeks to accompany the movement in the cultural sector to think collaboratively about inclusion BY and FOR and the diversity of artistic practices.

Cette illustration est composée de trois bulles reliées par des flèches. Chacune de couleurs et de forme variée elles symbolisent la diversité des points de vues et des échanges prévues lors du forum. On retrouve les couleurs du logo de Société Inclusive à savoir le bleu turquoise, le vert clair et le orange.

Annual Forum Inclusive Society 2022

September 28, 2022, 9am to 12pm. Event entirely on Zoom.

The annual Inclusive Society Exchange Forum will be an opportunity for the Inclusive Society community: researchers, students, and partners from different backgrounds, to meet and reflect together. Three series of activities will be proposed! On the program, a presentation of Société Inclusive’s upcoming activities, a conference and inspiring presentations and 3 simultaneous roundtables: Disability and […]