association Mêtis

Mêtis a pour objectif de créer des liens entre les différents acteurs et actrices du monde muséal, et plus particulièrement entre la recherche et l’action de terrain. Mêtis agit comme une plate-forme de rencontres et de ressources pour les acteurs et actrices des musées (tous métiers et statuts confondus). Par le biais d’événements scientifiques (les […]

Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ)

L’Office des personnes handicapées du Québec is a government agency that helps increase the social participation of people with disabilities. The Office performs a unique combination of functions such as: Carrying out assessments and research on the social participation of persons with disabilities in Québec, resulting in recommendations based on the analysis of reliable data; […]


The CEREMH is a centre of resources and innovation specializing in the conception et application of innovative solutions (products or services) to enhance mobility of people living with disabilities, independently of the origin of this situation (pathology, trauma, aging). It’s Living Lab type of approach allows it to be a link between various actors and […]


Communautique is an innovation hub dedicated to learning, collaborating, researching and experimenting in social innovation and technology. Communautique conducts research and development activities as well as providing open innovation services to citizen-users, elected officials, public administrations, institutions, organizations and businesses.

Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux (INESSS)

The Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux  was created on January 19, 2011. It succeeded the Conseil du médicament and the Agence d’évaluation des technologies et des modes d’intervention en santé (AETMIS). INESSS’s mission is to promote clinical excellence and the efficient use of resources in the health and social services sector. […]

The International Network on the Disability Creation Process (INDCP)

The mission of the organization is to promote the most appropriate response to the needs of people with impairments and through the promotion, application and development of the conceptual framework for the Human Development Model – Disability Creation Process (HDM-DCP).

Centre Facilitating Research and Innovation in Organizations with Information and Communication Technology (CEFRIO)

CEFRIO has specialized in the use and adoption of digital technology since its inception in 1987. In collaboration with our network of associate researchers and members, we pool knowledge to develop new practices that address today’s social challenges. Our teams coordinate pilot projects, surveys, and policy research to gather and apply knowledge and know-how tailored […]