Association québécoise des personnes aphasiques

AQPA is a support organization for people with aphasia in order to promote their development and social integration. Objectives To offer new forms of activities that will enable people with aphasia to lead active lives and be citizens in their own right. To provide information on available services and resources. To sensitize governing authorities and […]

Centre d’intégration à la vie active (CIVA)

Active since 1961, CIVA’s mission is to study, sponsor, promote and develop programs to help people with physical disabilities to integrate and participate actively in the life of their community. CIVA offers art classes, cultural and social activities, outdoors activities, adapted sports (Basketball, Boccia,Rugby, Powerchair Soccer and Bowling) and organizes initiatives supporting the integration of […]


In 2011 the Accessibility Challenge Group has defined universal accessibility as: “the character of a product, process, service, information or an environment that, for the purpose of equity and in an inclusive approach, allows any person to perform activities independently and to obtain equivalent results.” Universal accessibility is structured around four axes:  Architecture and Urbanism;  […]