All the details of the program can be found online (Here)
Société Inclusive is partnering with the Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale (CREGÉS), the Institut universitaire en déficience intellectuelle et en trouble du spectre de l’autisme and Exeko to organize this event, which focuses on research BY / FOR / WITH :
people with disabilities, neuroatypical or deaf people
people from the LGBTQIA2+ community
immigrants and refugees
First Peoples,
people living in homelessness or extreme poverty
seniors or people in loss of autonomy
people from other marginalized groups
Relive this landmark event, and access content from the inaugural conference on accessibility and cultural equity, the round table presenting 4 research projects, and the inspiring interactive workshops.
A total of 20 research projects were presented in the form of videos, each lasting up to 5 minutes. These videos reflect the diversity of initiatives undertaken in the field of participatory research with marginalized groups.