A community of people serving society and its members, the Université de Sherbrooke is dedicated to open learning, the promotion of critical knowledge and the pursuit of new knowledge through teaching, research, creation and social engagement.
Specialized services for intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorders Specialized services to support the social integration and participation of individuals with a developmental disability or an autism spectrum disorder. These services may include the following activities conducting a functional assessment of the individual making available professional assessments determining the intervention plan, implementing it and reviewing […]
La Coalition de parents d’enfants à besoins particuliers du Québec (CPEBPQ), c’est : – Plus de 5 300 personnes, dont la plupart sont des parents, mais également des enseignantes, éducatrices à la petite enfance et spécialisées, des professionnels et des alliés comme leurs grand-parents suivent les activités de la Coalition sur sa page et son groupe Facebook; […]
The Segal Centre for Performing Arts is dedicated to nurturing, producing, and presenting world-class English-language theatre, and to showcasing the best professional artists from Montreal and beyond. A part of the community since 1967, the organization was reborn in 2007 as the Segal and has expanded to become a nationally recognized venue for the performing […]
L’Association des Personnes Handicapées de Portneuf (APHP) assure sa mission de promotion, de bienfaisance et de défense de droits pour le mieux-être des personnes de la MRC de Portneuf vivant avec des limitations physiques ou une déficience intellectuelle afin qu’elles puissent recevoir des services adaptés à leur condition. Seul organisme dans la région de Portneuf à être […]
Federation CJA is the primary fundraising, planning, and organizing body for the Montreal Jewish community. Federation CJA supports a broad range of services for children and adults living with disabilities and their families in meeting their unique challenges and ensuring their participation in Montreal Jewish communal life, including: school-based academic intervention, therapy, camp experiences, supported […]
INCA accompli depuis maintenant 100 ans, sa mission qui est de favoriser l’autonomie et accroître l’inclusion et la participation sociale des personnes aveugles ou ayant une vision partielle. Ainsi, nous soutenons annuellement plus de 5 000 québécois à voir au-delà de la perte de vision. Notre équipe, composée de 12 employés et de près de 200 […]
With a presence in Québec of over 165 years, we are witnesses to the challenges facing our communities every day. Through our action and thanks to your generosity, we help people adopt healthy lifestyle habits, grow and have a greater sense of belonging to their community. We help build healthy and vibrant neighbourhoods, where different […]
L’Office des personnes handicapées du Québec is a government agency that helps increase the social participation of people with disabilities. The Office performs a unique combination of functions such as: Carrying out assessments and research on the social participation of persons with disabilities in Québec, resulting in recommendations based on the analysis of reliable data; […]