Living Lab Santé Autonomie, LLSA

By bringing together stakeholders (public and private organizations, businesses, associations, users, etc.) within the Living Labs, we create solutions (products, services, practices, organizations) for health or autonomy that are: Desirable Cost-effective sustainable    


SAGE-Innovation is a non-profit organization consolidating regional health actors, including but not limited to, health, education and training institutions, community organizations and private companies. Hence SAGE-Innovation is a supportive organization promoting the pooling of resources and ideas through services, projects and value-added activities for its members. Its mission is to stimulate development and economic growth as […]


ROP-03 is the only official communication and consultation structure for organizations promoting and defending the rights of people living with disabilities in the National-Capital region. ROP-03’s mission is to: Consolidate organizations representing people living with disabilities within the National-Capital region; Promote and defend the rights and interests of people living with disabilities; Mobilize local organizations […]

Rhizome Strategies

Rhizome is a multidisciplinary team practicing rhizome innovation. We create innovation ecosystems to help businesses and territories to rise and change, to maximise their impact on their employees, clients, partners and markets. RHIZOME /ˈrīˌzōm/ “A continuously growing horizontal underground stem that puts out lateral shoots and adventitious roots at intervals.”

Regroupement des aveugles et amblyopes du Québec (RAAQ)

Our mission : Le Regroupement des aveugles et amblyopes du Québec (RAAQ) is a federation of 15 associations including 12 regional associations, gathering 2500 people living with visual impairment. The RAAQ is present in 15 of Quebec’s 17 administrative regions. The RAAQ’s mission is to promote and defend the rights of blind and partially sighted people […]

Ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS)

The Ministry’s mission is to maintain, improve and restore the health and well-being of Quebecers. By making available a set of integrated, high-quality health and social services, the Ministry is contributing to the social and economic development of Quebec.

Moelle épinière et motricité Québec

Moelle épinière et motricité Québec, formerly the Quebec Paraplegic Association and the Foundation for Spinal Cord Research, is a non-profit organisation operating since 1946. Its mission is to promote self-sufficiency, independence and quality of life for people with disabilities. The organization intervenes to facilitate the social integration of people with spinal cord injury, to promote […]

Laboratory of Medical Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The Laboratory of Medical Physics was founded within the Medical School of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki back in 1964. It was the first medical physics laboratory in the Greek Higher Education. The mission of the Lab is to excel in training and multi-disciplinary research in a setting that fosters creativity and synergy. The Laboratory is […]


Key consultant for Tourisme Québec regarding accessibility, Kéroul is a non-profit organization which, through information and lobbying, promotes and develops accessible tourism and culture. You can visit the website here: