La marche des dix sous du Canada

Je me présente, Francesca Grondin, gérante de programme pour La Marche des dix sous du Canada, un organisme de bienfaisance national engagé auprès des personnes en situation de handicap depuis 70 ans. Notre organisme est reconnu dans l’ensemble du pays en tant que chef de file de la prestation de différents services aux personnes en […]

Simena Entreprise inc

Vente, location et installation d’équipement adapté, rénovation et construction adaptation de domicile

Conseil québécois des entreprises adaptées (CQEA)

The mission of the CQEA is to further the socio-economic interests of all our members to promote the retention and the creation of adapted jobs for handicapped persons. The CQEA represents 42 adapted companies operating in 57 locations, and 5,000 workers including 3,800 handicapped persons.

Ready, Willing & Able

One of the primary goals of Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) is to increase the employment rate of people with intellectual disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by engaging employers and raising awareness about the value of hiring people with disabilities. The Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL) and the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance […]


The ROSEPH is a non-profit group representing 22 Supported Employment Services for people with disabilities operating throughout Québec. These organizations have been providing employment services to people with disabilities for over 30 years. The ROSEPH was founded in 2004 with a mission of uniting and supporting its members in their work to help people with […]