neuro inclusion en milieu de travail visuel de communication

Neuroinclusion in the workplace: Research-community partnerships

[Event in French] – video available in the FR version on the website

Presentation of 4 partnership research projects carried out in Quebec

On March 19, 2024, Société inclusve in collaboration with the Réseau pour transformer les soins en autisme (RTSA), organized a webinar presenting research projects carried out in Quebec, often in partnership with people with autism and community employment support organizations.

On this page, you’ll find video presentations, references and a Q&A section.

Enjoy your visit!


Integrating into the workplace and maintaining stable, rewarding employment are key elements in the transition to adulthood and quality of life. For neurodivergent people, the path to stable employment can be fraught with difficulties, and their employment rate remains low.

The knowledge gained from the work presented here enables us to identify promising practices and factors facilitating the integration of people with autism into the job market, while also identifying unmet needs.



  • Online welcome by Société Inclusive and RTSA
  • Introductory remarks By Thomas Henderson, Giant Steps
  • Project presentations
    • What are the links between passions and employment? Perspectives of young autistic adults by Isabelle Soulières and Béatrice Cuzzi
    • Défi Polyteck, the adapted company by Mélanie Couture
    • Appreciation and satisfaction of autistic employees by Valérie Martin and Aparna Nadig
    • A look at partnerships to facilitate inclusion in the workplace by Martin Caouette
  • Discussion with the audience
  • Closing remarks



Introductory remarks


  • Thomas Henderson, Director of Innovation, Giant Steps School

Among the many challenges faced by people with autism, finding meaningful employment remains a major obstacle: 86% of adults with autism are either unemployed or underemployed.

One of the four pillars of the new À Pas de Géant autism center concerns adult services such as education and employment training to support diversity in the workplace. It aims to develop skills leading to employment, in all its forms, as well as greater independence at home and in the community.


What are the links between passions and employment? Perspectives from young adults with autism

Presenter :

  • Eve-Line Buissières, PhD, Professor, Department of Psychology, UQAT

Given the low employment rate of people with autism in Quebec (around 20%), a better understanding of the link between passions and employment is one way to improve their job prospects. Indeed, if young people with autism were to develop professional projects in line with their passions, ideally as early as high school, this would enable them to align their choice of studies, their first professional experiences, and their job search appropriately. Funded by the RTSA’s Partners for Change program, this project explores how people with autism see the link between their interests/passions and their career plans.


Adapted company Défi Polyteck

Presenters :

  • Mélanie Couture erg. Ph.D., Professor École de réadaptation Université de Sherbrooke, Institut Universitaire en Déficience Intellectuelle et Trouble du Spectre de l’Autisme (IU-DI-TSA)

This collaborative research project aims to describe the Défi Polyteck “approach” and document its benefits for employees and their families. Défi Polyteck is a company specializing in industrial subcontracting, whose human resources policy supports the employability of people with neurodiversity or physical or mental health disabilities.


Appreciation and satisfaction of autistic employees

Presenters :

  • Valérie Martin, Ph.D., Professor, School of Management Sciences, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM),
  • Dr. Aparna Nadig, Associate Professor, McGill University

As part of a collaborative project with an organization offering employment support services, the appreciation of various support activities by autistic job seekers, employment counselors and employers was determined by the research team. Factors influencing job satisfaction among autistic employees were also identified.

Project team: Aparna Nadig, PhD, Associate Professor, McGill University, Tara Flanagan, PhD, Associate Professor, McGill University, Valérie Martin, PhD, Professor, ESG-UQAM Cynthia Di Francesco, Student, McGill University, Flavio Murahara, Student, McGill University


Collaborating for greater socio-professional inclusion: an analysis of research dynamics in light of the sociology of translation

Presenter :

  • Martin Caouette, PhD, Full Professor, Chair in Self-Determination and Disability, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières

Over the past 5 years, the Chaire Autodétermination et Handicap has conducted several research projects focusing on the socio-professional inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities or autism. One of the common denominators of these projects has been collaboration and partnership between players from different sectors. Drawing on the sociology of translation, this conference will address the challenges posed by concerted action between a diversity of players and will point to the issues at stake, as well as concrete solutions to support real inclusion in employment.



Reference resources

  1. Autism and employment resources on the Canadian Autism Alliance website.
  2. The Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) program is a Canada-wide project. Its aim is to help companies hire people on the autism spectrum or with intellectual disabilities.
  3. Find infographics mentioned by Valérie Martin during her presentation, aimed at decision-makers, employers, employment counsellors and educators (prepared by the project team).
  4. For resource on inclusion and employment, visit the RNETSA website.


Published in scientific journals


Durand, S., Baret, C. & Krohmer, C. (2018). The sociology of translation as a research-intervention grid: the case of a psychosocial risk prevention project in a public hospital. RIMHE: Revue Interdisciplinaire Management, Homme & Entreprise, 30,7, 3-28.

Di Francesco, C., Murahara, F., Martin, V., Flanagan, T., & Nadig, A. (2021). The value of employment support services for adults on the autism spectrum and/or with intellectual disabilities: Employee, employer, and job coach perspectives. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 55(3), 283-296. PDF

Martin, V., Flanagan, T. D., Vogus, T. J., & Chênevert, D. (2023). Sustainable employment depends on quality relationships between supervisors and their employees on the autism spectrum. Disability and Rehabilitation, 45(11), 1784-1795.

Martin, V., & Lanovaz, M. J. (2021). Program evaluation of a community organization offering supported employment services for adults with autism. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 82, 101741.


Information from participants

The AFFI Group is an adapted company that welcomes several people with ASD. They offer numerous benefits (pay above minimum wage, insurance, RRSPs, training). LinkedIn contact

Perceptions Autistes aims to co-create tools with and for autistic adults, in all spheres of autistic adults’ lives, including employment. In a by and for, open mode, including specialists and entourage.


Events and news

Grand Rendez-vous Angus Destination Neuroinclusive. In Montreal, on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, starting at noon (12 p.m.) at the Centre À pas de géant (4400 Rue Molson, Montreal, QC H1Y 0A3). – link

Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR) has received $155,689 in financial support from the Quebec government to help it deploy the Inclusive Hiring and Management Program. To find out more