MEDTEQ is the Quebec Consortium for Industrial Research and Innovation in Medical Technology. Its mission is to accelerate the development of innovative technological solutions to improve patients’ health and quality of life. MEDTEQ supports their validation and integration in the healthcare system and their impact, both locally and globally, by bringing together the complementary skills […]
The Institut national d’excellence en santé et en services sociaux was created on January 19, 2011. It succeeded the Conseil du médicament and the Agence d’évaluation des technologies et des modes d’intervention en santé (AETMIS). INESSS’s mission is to promote clinical excellence and the efficient use of resources in the health and social services sector. […]
[:en] est un organisme à but non lucratif dont la mission est de contribuer au mieux être et à une meilleure autonomie des personnes à mobilité réduite ou ayant des limitations fonctionnelles, en centralisant et diffusant l’information sur l’accessibilité, en éduquant la population et en valorisant les acteurs du milieu grâce au déploiement de solutions innovantes. s’adresse notamment aux personnes en situation de handicap ou ayant des limitations fonctionnelles, aux aînés, aux femmes enceintes et familles avec poussettes, aux personnes vivant avec une maladie chronique dégénérative et toute personne ayant un problème de mobilité temporaire ou persistant.[:]
One of the primary goals of Ready, Willing and Able (RWA) is to increase the employment rate of people with intellectual disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by engaging employers and raising awareness about the value of hiring people with disabilities. The Canadian Association for Community Living (CACL) and the Canadian Autism Spectrum Disorders Alliance […]
The mission of the organization is to promote the most appropriate response to the needs of people with impairments and through the promotion, application and development of the conceptual framework for the Human Development Model – Disability Creation Process (HDM-DCP).
The ROSEPH is a non-profit group representing 22 Supported Employment Services for people with disabilities operating throughout Québec. These organizations have been providing employment services to people with disabilities for over 30 years. The ROSEPH was founded in 2004 with a mission of uniting and supporting its members in their work to help people with […]
Acting as an extension of the family, The Philou Center is a living environment specially designed to meet the needs of children with multiple disabilities while promoting the development of their full potential with joy and respect for their condition. Current services include respite, specialized summer camp, Paprika program (Intensive Stimulation Program) and family support.
The CNESST is the structure to which the Government of Quebec has entrusted the promotion of labor rights and obligations of Quebec’s workers and employers.
Guided by values of fairness, integrity and respect, the Régie ensures the sound management of Quebec’s public health insurance plan. As part of it’s mission, it manages the eligibility of individuals to the public health insurance plan, remunerates Quebec’s health professionals, ensures appropriate controls over it’s program, inform the population, ensures safe sharing of health […]
The National Centre for Dance Therapy (NCDT), a division of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens de Montréal, is dedicated to the promotion of dance/movement therapy (DMT). The NCDT, which combines clinical research, training and therapy, aims to improve the well-being of individuals through the benefits of dance, thereby reinforcing the utility of this art form for […]