Scholarship recipients 2020

Inclusive Society – Université de Montréal Scholarship Program for Graduate Students

In January, Inclusive Society and the Université de Montréal Faculty of Medicine jointly launched a Scholarship Program for graduate students at the Faculty of Medicine, whose projects could potentially have an impact on social inclusion of people living with disabilities.

We are delighted to announce the scholarship recipients of the Program who have each receive, in order to carry out their study projects, a 5000$ stipend:


Valérie Chauvin, 2nd cycle, Department: École de kinésiologie et des sciences de l’activité physique de l’Université de Montréal; MSc en sciences de l’activité physique

Project title: Intentions or affect: What is the main motivator for physical activity? Using ecological snapshot assessments to understand the intention-behavior bridge in psychotic disorders.


Fatimata Ouedraogo, 2nd cycle, Department: School of Rehabilitation (Master of Science)

Project title: Identification of fundamental movement skills for pediatric manual wheelchair users: a step towards developing inclusive physical education and social participation.


Clara Ziane, 3rd cycle, Department: School of Kinesiology and Human Kinetics (Human Kinetics)

Project title: Rhythmic auditory stimulation to improve walking in older adults



Lucie Vener-Kelma, étudiante à la maitrise en Kinésiologie – direction de recherche : Santé mentale – Ahmed-Jérôme Romain

Projet : Le jeu collectif en schizophrénie : l’impact de l’activité physique sur les dimensions cognitives, sociales et motivationnelles

Biography: I am a physical activity professional and a doctoral candidate in physical activity sciences at the University of Montreal under the supervision of Ahmed-Jérôme Romain. Having completed a master’s degree in program design and evaluation in adapted physical activity and health at the University of Paris Nanterre, I have acquired field experience in the hospital sector with patients living with schizophrenia disorders. I work with a collective intervention, based on collective games, physical reconditioning and education about good life habits. The objectives are to improve different resources in deficit in schizophrenia (e.g. physical, cognitive, social) through a multimodal approach. My project is done in collaboration with the University of Montreal and the Research Center of the University Institute in Mental Health of Montreal under the supervision of Ahmed-Jérôme Romain, as well as in co-tutelle with the University of Paris Nanterre under the supervision of Laurence Kern.

Maxime Bainville, étudiant au doctorat au département de nutrition – direction de recherche : Dre Marie Marquis

Titre du projet : Littératie et autonomie alimentaire de personnes en situation de déficience intellectuelle et résidant de manière autonome dans la communauté


Simon Lafrance, PhD student in Rehabilitation Sciences
Project: Evaluation of an Advanced Practice Physiotherapy Model of Care for Older Adults Referred to Neurosurgery for Spinal Pain
Supervisor: François Desmeules

Evelina Pituch, PhD student in Rehabilitation Sciences
Project: Une approche innovante pour comprendre les besoins des parents ayant une déficience physique et viser une Parentalité Autonome et Sécuritaire avec les tout-petits (Petits Pas)
Supervisor: Carolina Bottari

I am an occupational therapist by training and I am a Ph.D. student in Rehabilitation sciences at Université de Montréal under the supervision of Carolina Bottari, OT, Ph.D. As part of my thesis, I am interested in the needs of parents who have a neurological disability and who care for their preschool-aged children. Specifically, my thesis includes a scoping review on the topic, observational home assessments, and focus groups with key stakeholders in parenting. My project is done in close collaboration with the Clinique Parents Plus of the CIUSSS Centre-Sud-de-l’Île-de-Montréal and the community organization Ex aequo.

Alexandra Tessier, PhD student in Biomedical Sciences, Speech Therapy
Project: Former les chauffeur·e·s de transport adapté à faciliter les échanges avec les personnes vivant avec un trouble de la communication
Supervisor: Claire Croteau

I am a speech-language pathologist by training and a doctoral candidate in biomedical sciences, speech-language pathology option. My research interests revolve around the development, evaluation and implementation of interventions aimed at working towards an inclusive society for people living with communication disorders. As part of my thesis, we developed and evaluated communication partner training to promote inclusive communication in paratransit. Our analyses reveal that the trained drivers adopt more positive attitudes towards people living with communication disorders and that they use more gestures when interacting with them.

Myriam Bérubé, Master student in Rehabilitation Sciences
Project: Prévention différenciée des lésions professionnelles des élèves au Parcours de Formation Axée sur l’Emploi (PFAE)
Supervisor: Marie Laberge

Cindy Louis-Delsoin, Master student in Rehabilitation Sciences
Project: Fidélité inter-examinateurs de l’Évaluation à Domicile de l’Interaction Personne-Environnement (ÉDIPE) – version cognitive
Supervisor: Jacqueline Rousseau

I am an occupational therapist and a Master’s student in Rehabilitation Sciences at the Université de Montréal. My research interests focus on the occupational issues experienced by people with neurocognitive or anxiety disorders in relation to their living environment. My master’s thesis deals covers the validation (metrological properties) of the Home Assessment of the Person-Environment Interaction (HOPE) – cognitive version, an innovative evaluation instrument that promotes aging in place for elderly people with neurocognitive disorders. After gaining experience in the scientific field, I was motivated to pursue my studies in research. I wanted to work on this project because my previous professional experiences made me aware of the importance of the caring needs of with people with mental health challenges, especially the elderly.