
english follow - Pictogramme illustrant la première étape du programme à l’aide de trois personnages un homme et deux femmes avec le signe plus entre chacun pour signifier l’association de 3 personnes : une du monde de la recherche, une du milieu étudiant et une du milieu communautaire. Pictogram illustrating the first stage of the program: with three characters, one man and two women, with a plus sign between each one to signify the association of three people: one from the research world, one from the student milieu and one from the community milieu.

MITACS Accelerate program

April 19, 2022, 1:00-2:00 p.m. (online)

In this event, a team of Mitacs representatives will introduced you to the support available to you through the Accelerate program.

Activity – Back to school meeting

February 1st, 2022, 12:00-1:30 pm, on Zoom

To start the year 2022, the 6 new projects supported by Société Inclusive have been presented during a back to school meeting.

Report – Arts and Culture: for more inclusive offers

Report on the Networking  Activity and the 4 Collaborative Workshops on June 21, 2021

40 professionals from organizations representing people with disabilities, cultural venues (museums, libraries), public and community organizations, private companies, and academic institutions (McGill, Université Laval, Université de Montréal, etc.) combined their expertise to think outside the box and imagine solutions to promote the social participation of people with disabilities in culture.

Call for participation

Together, let’s advance partnership research   Do you have questions or concerns about partnered research? Would you like to have access to a collection of best practices to facilitate partnership research? We find the experts and provide the answers. Société Inclusive, PSVI, and CRIR have joined forces to produce a “Q&A on research in partnership […]

13 September 2021
7 bulles de bandes dessinées colorées, sont juxtaposées en forme de cercle. À l’intérieur de chaque bulle, un visage de profil et des schémas pour symboliser la réflexion. Des prises électriques connectent les bulles entre elles afin de montrer l’échange et le dialogue.

Inclusive Society’s exchange Forum: Participatory Research and Disability

September 30, 2021, 8:30 to 12 pm

Inclusive Society’s exchange Forum will be an opportunity to learn more about the research projects supported by Inclusive Society, to reflect on how the results can be useful to the community and to consider future developments. The roundtables will address the themes of employment, education and the challenges of organizations in the new reality.

Engrenages de différentes couleurs (idées, personnes, argent)

Inclusive Society Committee of Partners: Call for Applicants

Inclusive Society is launching a call for applicants to fill a vacant position on its Committee of Partners. We will hold elections to choose a new Representative of Partners. If you are interested in applying, we invite you to email us by Thursday, July 15 2021 a short text (150-200 words) about you and your organization; on your involvement […]

1 June 2021
Illustration vectorielle montrant des profils d’hommes et de femmes utilisant un diagramme pour organiser visuellement les informations. Landscape vector illustration is showing men and women profiles using a diagram to visually organize information.

Networking activity – Arts and Culture: for more inclusive offers

Monday, June 21, 2021 9-11 am, Online zoom and collaborative platform

At a time of “Nothing for us without us”, the objective of this meeting is to collectively bring to light the existing needs, in the field of culture, to promote the social participation of people with disabilities.

Image représentant une ville active et inclusive

Activity: Transportation and social inclusion of people with disabilities

May 11 2023

Since 2017, Inclusive Society teams have been working on the issue of transportation, which has led to partnership research projects. Several themes have been explored, such as access to regular public transit or driving by people with disabilities. On May 11, Inclusive Society organized an activity on the theme of transportation and social inclusion of people with disabilities.

Engrenages de différentes couleurs (idées, personnes, argent)

Appointment of François Routhier as co-director of Inclusive Society

Following our call for candidates to assume the scientific co-direction of the initiative, we are pleased to announce the nomination of Professor François Routhier. Biography (in french): François Routhier a obtenu un diplôme de baccalauréat (B.Sc.) et de maîtrise (M.Sc.) du département de génie mécanique (option robotique) de l’Université Laval, respectivement en 1993 et 1997. […]

15 March 2021
Circuit illustrant le processus d'innovation : vision, imagination, motivation, analyse, création d'idées

Results of the 5th call for proposals

The 5th call for proposals of Inclusive Society is funded through the support of the Office des personnes handicapées du Québec (OPHQ), of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration (CIRRIS), of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Montréal (CRIR) and INTER strategic cluster – Interactive engineering technologies in […]

4 February 2021
Représentation graphique d'une foule colorée, composée de personnes de différents âges. Certaines sont debout, en fauteuil roulant, portant des lunettes, avec un chien en laisse, parlant au téléphone.

Société inclusive embauche!

Sorry, this entry is only available in Français.Société inclusive est à la recherche d’une personne dévouée et dynamique pour occuper un emploi d’agent de concertation intersectorielle (ACI). Joignez-vous à notre équipe! Consultez la fiche descriptive de l’emploi sur le site de l’Université McGill ou téléchargez l’annonce en format Word ici. Date limite pour appliquer : 12 février […]

26 January 2021