
Financial services for disabled persons and their families (RDSP, tax credits, insurance and financial planning)

Rhizome Strategies

Rhizome is a multidisciplinary team practicing rhizome innovation. We create innovation ecosystems to help businesses and territories to rise and change, to maximise their impact on their employees, clients, partners and markets. RHIZOME /ˈrīˌzōm/ “A continuously growing horizontal underground stem that puts out lateral shoots and adventitious roots at intervals.”

Kinova Robotics

Kinova is a Canadian company that operates worldwide. We design and manufacture robotic solutions that are simple to use, versatile and, above all, meant to increase human capacity through responsible, respectful uses of technology. Our solutions empower people living with upper-body mobility impairments to have freedom of movement, professionals and universities to drive their research […]


The mission of Jintronix inc. is the advancement of world-wide rehabilitative care through research, design, programming and innovation of low-cost high-accuracy rehabilitative systems that are judged to be excellent when measured against the most stringent medical standards, and to provide a product that is easily used and serves to better not only its users physical, […]


Cominar Real Estate Investment Trust is one of the largest diversified real estate investment trusts in Canada and the largest commercial property owner and manager in the province of Quebec. Our real estate portfolio includes 523 office, retail, and industrial properties in the provinces of Quebec and Ontario, in the Atlantic Provinces and in Western […]