Team and Contacs

Philippe Archambault, OT, PhD, Scientific co-director

Philippe Archambault is Co-Scientific Director of Société Inclusive. He is a professor at the School of Physical and Occupational Therapy at McGill University and also a researcher and co-director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation.

His work focuses on the use of technology in rehabilitation, including mobility aids, virtual reality, serious games and robotics. He is also interested in wheelchair mobility issues (skills training, use of public transit).

Email :  / LinkedIn


François Routhier
François Routhier, ing, PhD, Scientific co-director

François Routhier is co-scientific director of the intersectoral research initiative Société inclusive, scientific director of the Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation-réadaptation (REPAR), researcher at the Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et intégration sociale of the CIUSSS de la Capitale-Nationale and full professor at the Département de réadaptation of Université Laval. He is also a senior research fellow of the Fonds de recherche du Québec en santé (Unité de soutien SSA).

His research interests focus on the influence of different aspects of the physical environment (e.g., technologies and urban planning) and the social environment (e.g., policies, regulations and caregivers) on the social participation of people with disabilities or loss of autonomy.

Email: / LinkedIn

Cette photo présente Elise, une femme blanche, qui pose de face en souriant avec la bouche fermée. Elle est blonde, porte un chandail vert et des boucles d’oreille


Elise Milot, Research consultant in intellectual disabilities and autism at Société Inclusive

Élise is a professor in social work at Université Laval and a regular researcher at CIRRIS and the Institut universitaire en DI-TSA.

Her main research interests focus on the development of more inclusive communities for adults and aging persons with ID or autism and on family support. The research methodologies she uses are participatory and are conducted with community partners.

Email : elise@societeinclusive.caLinkedIn


Aurélia Fleury

Aurélia Fleury, Intersectoral Collaboration Agent

Aurélia Fleury is an intersectoral coordinator and facilitator for Société Inclusive. She has worked since 2008 in the fields of accessibility, culture, and museums. Her main interests revolve around the quality of use, universal accessibility, and collective intelligence. She accompanies the actors of inclusive projects by facilitating participative workshops, connecting people or training the next generation of professionals in the field. Since 2022, Aurelia has been a member of the Technical Committee for the development of wayfinding and signage standards for Accessibility Standards Canada.

Email :  / LinkedIn



Photo de Nathalie, elle a les cheveux bruns et porte un foulard orange.

Nathalie Gordon, is an intersectoral coordinator for Société Inclusive. With degrees in psychology, anthropology and art therapy, she is interested in strategies that give a voice to marginalized people. Since 2005, she has played several roles in support of people in difficulty: social worker, school rehabilitation officer through art therapy, research professional, executive director of the Centre Social de la Croix Blanche, administrator of the board of directors of the regional leisure association for all people with disabilities.


Cette photo présente Michel, un jeune homme blanc, qui pose de face en souriant avec la bouche ouverte. Il a les cheveux châtain et porte un polo noir.


Michel Despres, briefly worked as an Intersectoral Collaboration Agent witu us. Thank you Michel.






Joëlle Dufour, has been an intersectoral collaboration agent for Inclusive Society until august 2022. Many thanks Joëlle!




Mélanie Beauregard

Mélanie Beauregard, has been Scientific Coordinator and Intersectoral Collaboration Agent until 2022. Thank you Melanie for your help.





David Fiset, has been an intersectoral collaboration agent for Inclusive Society until December 2021. Thank you David!




Émilie Blackburn has been an intersectoral collaboration agent for Inclusive Society until August 2020. Best of luck Émilie in your new professional life!





Fabienne Boursiquot has been the Scientific Coordinator and Intersectoral Coordination Officer for Inclusive Society until February 2021. Thank you Fabienne for your work and good luck in your future projects!





Pierre Chabot has been the scientific coordinator of Inclusive Society until September 2019. Many thanks, Pierre, for all the work done!