Our mission :
Le Regroupement des aveugles et amblyopes du Québec (RAAQ) is a federation of 15 associations including 12 regional associations, gathering 2500 people living with visual impairment. The RAAQ is present in 15 of Quebec’s 17 administrative regions. The RAAQ’s mission is to promote and defend the rights of blind and partially sighted people in Quebec in order to foster their full integration into all area of human activity.
Our objectives :
- From an inclusive perspective, promote the application of the principles of universal accessibility.
- Promote the development and implementation of a thought that is specific to blind and partially sighted people about the nature of their disability and living conditions.
- In an awareness-raising perspective, excluding partisan politics and pursuing non-profit goals, we aim at defending the rights and advocate for the interests of blind and partially sighted people in Québec.