L’Association des personnes avec une déficience de l’audition (APDA) is a non-profit organization founded in 1984. The APDA works with people living with hearing limitations, whether it is mild of profound hearing loss. In order to better integrate people living with hearing loss into society, the association offers respectful and worthy services, including advocating for and defending their rights and interests. Social inclusion also comprises accessibility to public services and integration into the labor market.
Website : http://www.apda.ca
Partner type : Advocacy organizations
Activity domain : Community organization; social participation; communications; research; universal accessibility and collective defence of rights (health, transportation, culture, education, new technologies, housing, etc.)
Target group : People with hearing loss and their relatives; researchers and organizations; persons of all ages but mostly seniors.
Collaboration with Inclusive SocietyTo be determined Contact with specific population or clientele Sharing of expertise Information sharing Participation in Inclusive Society’s activities