Symposium “Participatory research BY/FOR/WITH marginalized groups


The event “Participatory research BY/FOR/WITH marginalized groups “, jointly organized by Société Inclusive, the Centre de recherche et d’expertise en gérontologie sociale (CREGÉS), the Institut universitaire en déficience intellectuelle et en trouble du spectre de l’autisme (university institute on intellectual disabilities and autism spectrum disorders) and Exeko, aims to share approaches developed to conduct participatory research with marginalized groups* in Quebec.

During this conference, participants will be invited to discover and discuss participatory research methodologies and tools that allow for the full engagement of different vulnerable populations in a research process (people with disabilities, autistic people, homeless people, and seniors).

The event will include creative networking activities, roundtables on issues and good practices in participatory research, workshops, and a poster session with three awards.


Participatory research, action research, partnership action research, collaborative or cooperative research, and intervention research, the names used to designate this type of research are numerous. Although the aims and methods of these approaches may differ, they are all part of a desire to link theory and practice, science, and society. Participatory research is thus a general research orientation, characterized by the participation of stakeholders in the research process, drawing on their experience and knowledge.

Moreover, participatory research is increasingly mobilized in the field of health care and social services. By placing users, community members or decision-makers at the heart of the research process, participatory research aims to produce useful results that are focused on the participants’ priorities and easily transferable, taking into account the knowledge and expertise of each individual. The participatory research approach is very useful in ensuring that all parties concerned with an issue can play an active role in identifying research priorities and supporting the research process itself.

 Several principles or strategies have been identified to facilitate effective collaboration between people with field experience and academic researchers, such as

  • establishing good communication channels,
  • clarifying priorities and roles,
  • considering the resources needed for each team member’s involvement, etc.

These principles and strategies deserve to be further explored from an intersectional perspective; and especially to be shared among researchers, students, and partners interested in participatory research in order to develop research approaches and a common language.

Marginalized audiences 

By people from marginalized groups, we refer to

  • persons with motor disabilities
  • persons with a sensory disability
  • persons with an intellectual disability
  • people who are Deaf,
  • people with autism,
  • people with mental health problems
  • seniors,
  • people experiencing homelessness,
  • cultural minorities,
  • First Peoples.

Target audience

This conference is intended for academics as well as professionals and managers from government, public services, municipalities, businesses, and associations involved in the development of inclusive communities and the understanding of the dynamics of marginalization, as well as for people living in vulnerable situations themselves, and for citizens concerned with living together.

Anyone interested in good practices and strategies for engaging people from marginalized groups in participatory research projects is welcome.


This conference on the challenges and issues of participatory research with marginalized populations will provide training and mentoring opportunities for all students, partners, and young researchers who wish to participate.  These are unique “out of the box” networking opportunities for those participating.

The poster session will provide a good opportunity for students to practice their skills in presenting their research projects to a variety of audiences. All attendees will be invited to vote for their favorite poster. In addition, a joint committee will evaluate the poster’s content, presentation, and response to questions. Different prizes will be awarded at the end of the day and the winners will be promoted on social networks and on the organizers’ websites.

Financial assistance may be available for transportation for students living outside Quebec City.


The short program is now available on the dedicated tab. You will also be able to download the complete program to see the activities offered!