The MPDAQM, Mouvement Personne d’Abord du Québec Métropolitain is a self-help organization that promotes and defends the rights and interests “BY and FOR” adult citizens living with the social label of “intellectual disability”.
For 40 years now, Audition Québec has been dedicated to promoting the interests, autonomy and inclusion of people with hearing problems in Quebec. Through our information and accompaniment services, we support people who are hard of hearing or deafened, as well as their families and friends. We also promote a better knowledge of hearing health […]
The mission of the Canadian Accessibility Network is to: Advance accessibility for persons with disabilities through research, design, technology, and innovation; education and training; policy; employment; and community engagement; Mobilize strategic partnerships among individuals and institutions dedicated to advancing accessibility to encourage innovative and action-oriented leadership; and Leverage Canada’s accessibility assets across sectors and disciplines […]
L’agence de tourisme aventure BivouaQ est une coopérative de solidarité québécoise dont le mot d’ordre est l’inclusivité. Les groupes de la coopérative sont constitués de personnes avec et sans handicap, qui partagent une passion commune pour le plein air et l’aventure et qui sont prêtes à vivre une expérience solidaire et fondamentalement humaine. De manière […]
Communément reconnue sous l’acronyme R.A.S. l’association québécoise sans but lucratif « Réseau Autonomie Santé » est active depuis 2012 pour promouvoir le sport inclusif. R.A.S a le mandat de faire vivre des moments de dépassement tant physiques que humains à des groupes inclusifs, changer le regard sur le handicap et favoriser la confiance en soi des personnes […]
Alaviva’s mission is to promote active living, autonomy and social inclusion of seniors and people living with disabilities using technologies such as Cutii, the social assistance robot and Avive, interactive furniture to create dynamic, permanent or ephemeral spaces.
A community of people serving society and its members, the Université de Sherbrooke is dedicated to open learning, the promotion of critical knowledge and the pursuit of new knowledge through teaching, research, creation and social engagement.
Specialized services for intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorders Specialized services to support the social integration and participation of individuals with a developmental disability or an autism spectrum disorder. These services may include the following activities conducting a functional assessment of the individual making available professional assessments determining the intervention plan, implementing it and reviewing […]
Maintenir, améliorer et restaurer la santé et le bien-être de la population québécoise en rendant accessible un ensemble de services de santé et de services sociaux intégrés et de qualité, contribuant ainsi au développement social et économique du Québec. Direction des programmes Déficiences: Les programmes s’adressent aux personnes ayant une déficience (motrice, auditive, langagière, intellectuelle […]